Apple iPhone shortfalls in 2019
Following on from my initial post about the many things I dislike about the iPhone, here we are roughly 10 years later, and while most of the originals issues I had with iPhone have been resolved in some way, there is a whole set of new problems which make the Apple iPhone a piece of garbage.
1. Apple iPhone's inability to differentiate between network connectivity issues and incorrect information. This issue is prevalent when trying to access iCloud or iTunes however, I recently experienced it when trying to validate my credit card.
The problem is such that, you attempt to login by entering your password (or validate CC by entering the CCV) - After a brief moment, the iPhone returns an error saying "not found or incorrect" (see below for an example of this message)
1. Apple iPhone's inability to differentiate between network connectivity issues and incorrect information. This issue is prevalent when trying to access iCloud or iTunes however, I recently experienced it when trying to validate my credit card.
The problem is such that, you attempt to login by entering your password (or validate CC by entering the CCV) - After a brief moment, the iPhone returns an error saying "not found or incorrect" (see below for an example of this message)

The real problem with this is that the password is in fact CORRECT - But Apple's technicians were too incompetent to differentiate between an actual wrong password OR a problem with the phone's connectivity...
Instead of showing "There was a problem - it appears there is a problem connecting to the server" - they just default to "not found or incorrect"
Some of you might ask - how do you know the difference? Well, when I go to reset my password (because I need access and Apple says I am entering a wrong password) the password reset tells me that if I am going to reset the password - I need to choose a different password. i.e. Try resetting the password to the actual password that you are using and it says "can't use the same password" - So, it is clear that the password is exactly what I thought it was - Apple was just too incompetent to differentiate.
I love this meme that I have seen across the internet describing this problem:

Yet another lazy, incompetent "feature" of the iPhone...
Another problem that bothers me, which is slightly tied to the above issue, is the terrible unuseful help or errors that apple provides. Time and time again I try to perform a function as described by a help guide or another user to be met with a screen that has no information - I cant do it... Pull my hair thinking - the option "Click here" - doesn't exist ... FFS!!!!
After asking around and trying to get help, I am usually alerted to the solution by another user and 9/10 it goes along the line of "you need to activate XXX to use that feature" ... FFS Apple! Instead of showing a blank confusing screen, would it be that hard to show a note or help link: You need to activate XXX before you can use this feature...
I really find Apple to be incompetent with technology - they are really good at making things look good but fall down greatly when it comes to functionality...
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